OakvilleMoms.com is an online resource site for moms. We connect moms from Oakville, Burlington, Milton, Mississauga and all over Ontario. Our site is unique as we feature useful resources, services, products, vendor events, contests, articles, product reviews, free membership and so much more! Are you an Oakville Entrepreneur and own a small business? Get listed in our web site and be noticed! Oakville Moms is the trendiest web site in Oakville!
Saturday, June 27, 2009
This Little Piggie Inc. - Summer Clearance
Milton Mall
55 Ontario St. S.
Milton, Ontario
L9T 2M3
Tel: (905) 864-9100
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Helping Mackenzie - Fundraising Event - Saturday, June 20, 2009
Two events, one great location!
Carnival day: 10am - 3pm. Fun for the whole family. Tickets on sale at the carnival: 10 tickets for $10 / 25 tickets for $20. (each daytime event uses tickets, ie: carnival games = 1 ticket, BBQ = 3 tickets, etc.)
Come join us and enjoy a BBQ, cotton candy, snow cones, bouncy castle, lots of games and prizes, 50/50 draw, great raffles, special needs sensory area, teddy bears hospital (don't forget to bring your bear) ... and so much more! Parking on site (with overflow parking at Morden School across the street.)
Evening dinner/dance: Tickets $20.00 per person 7pm - 11pm. Entertainment (DJ and Live Band), dinner, exciting silent auction items, fabulous raffle prizes and many great door prizes (you need not be present to win a door prize!)
At 8:30pm we will have a video presentation of Mackenzie and her family.Please reserve tickets in advance to avoid disappointment!
Location:St. Paul's United Church, 454 Rebecca Street, Oakville (between Fourth Line and Dorval Drive, next to YMCA)
web site: http://www.helpingmackenzie.ca
Sunday, June 14, 2009
We at style expressions are totally dedicated to our clients! Whatever your needs we can help you with. Decorating can be very stressful and frustrating at times; having professional advice can save you time and costly mistakes.If you are selling your house we can help you make it the one they all want to buy! We now also offer staging consultations on line! Check it out! Making sure you make all the right choices is what we do!
Design and staging Professional
Now offering on-line services!!
Tel. 905 847 4693
C 905 399 6647
Nuevo Designs is a design company specializing in web and graphic design.
Nuevo Designs is a design company specializing in web and graphic design. Nuevo Designs has now expanded to design custom photo cards for all occasions: birth announcements, baptism, birthday celebrations, holidays, wedding, and thank you cards. NEW: Art Decor - create personal art work for your home and child's room. Visit our web site to see our work and visit often as we add more designs all the time.
web site: www.nuevodesigns.com
Discount: mention this ad and receive 15% discount.Free local delivery in Oakville.
Tuesday, June 09, 2009
See what's going on with Oakville Moms this month June
Contest: ENTER TO WIN: Bebé In Style is giving away 2 personalized items for your little one.
Reviews: Paperpod has developed an innovative concept in creative toys for children
Healthy Home Tour & Healthy Home, Body, Garden, Animals/Smart Living News
Special Promo:
Nuevo Designs