Here at West Oak Medical, we strive to provide the most patient-centric comprehensive care for your and your family. Our goal is provide as many resources in-house making it easy for you and your loved ones to receive quick and efficient access to care.
Our Female Family Physician specializes in Gynecology and Obstetrics and is also currently accepting new patients for her Family Medical Clinic in August.
Our On-Site Blood Lab and Walk-In Clinic make it convenient for your to receive quick and timely access to care and are open to all patients of the community.
For more information or to schedule an appointment with our family physician, call us at 905-582-7533 or visit us at
2495 Old Bronte Rd
Oakville, ON
L6M 4J2
Tel: (905) 582-7533
Interested in Finding out More? Contact us at or by Phone at 905.399.8181