2009 5KM RUN/WALK/STROLLER ROLL for the Children of the Merendon Mountains Our Run/Walk/Stroller Roll is being held this year on August 22nd, once again this year, the event will take place at Spencer Smith Park in Burlington. This is a wonderful area in which to have a run as the path goes along the waterfront which is a beautiful area. Last year we opened the event up to include a "stroller roll" which we are once again offering this year. So all you moms can also participate. It's a great way to get some exercise and help a worthy cause. Registration can be done online at www.vrpro.ca or by cheque, made payable to CCARE and mailed to 561 Brant Street, PO Box 85030, Burlington L7R 4K3. Run Fliers with pledge sheets will be available in Running Room stores in Oakville, Mississauga and Burlington in late June, so you can get registration and run information there as well. So, gather up a group of friends, pack your van and head to Spencer Smith Park and participate in this year's RUN/WALK/STROLLER ROLL.