When was the last time you viewed yourself as a sensual, beautiful person? I don't know about you, but I have noticed that as we age-have our babies, take care of our careers/families/homes- life'sresponsibilities tends to place our sensuality down the priority list,right next "take the dog to the vet" and "pay the hydro bill".I remember a time- a special time that I like to refer to as "B.C.(Before Children)"- where I had hours to make myself up, eat right,work out, find sexy clothes.. oh heavens, going through the shoppingmall by myself! If I had known then, I would have slowed down andsucked in every moment of it.Don't get me wrong, I love my children and my husband with everybreath of my body. I do not regret this path for a second. Wait aminute..okay..yes I do wish I had a time machine and went back towhisper in my ear "Save your money instead of buying those shoes,because honey, you will need those dollars!" But really? Who has timeor the money to build a time machine?Here's what I believe. There are ways to be a great mother, wonderfulwife, contributing member of society.. and at the same time feelingsexy, beautiful and confident. It all comes down to attitude-- not howyou look, (trust me being a size 2 doesn't make life any better!) Ourinner self shining through our outer exterior.To all the women everywhere, let's start a revolution! A revolution ofreclaiming our sensuality and feeling beautiful. This doesn't mean"looking beautiful"-- it's about HOW we feel about ourselves. Justbecause we are aging and/or have given birth, that how we feel aboutourselves needs to slide down our priority list.So, let's begin by putting ourselves up the list, right next tobreathing, eating and sleeping. (Oh! Yes! Let's add Sex to the list,but.. that's a whole other rant in itself!) This may seem like aselfish step or even a big task, but truly is not. Remember, when aplane is going to crash, we are instructed to put the breathing deviceon ourselves first and then transfer to our little ones.
It's time forus to take a deep inhale."I am beautiful-I am strong-I am valuable- I am capable- I am love"Now exhale.
Jane Wilson
Aradia Fitness Oakville-Pole Dancing for Fitness Studio
Join us for our upcoming session - starts September 19th
It's time forus to take a deep inhale."I am beautiful-I am strong-I am valuable- I am capable- I am love"Now exhale.
Jane Wilson
Aradia Fitness Oakville-Pole Dancing for Fitness Studio
Join us for our upcoming session - starts September 19th