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Tuesday, March 27, 2012
SUN YOGA 200+ Hour Teacher Training Program
April 27th, 2012
Designed with your busy schedule in mind, classes are scheduled
on Friday evenings and Weekends. Upon completion of the Sun
Yoga Teacher training program, students will feel confident in
their ability to teach a comprehensive and safe Hatha yoga class.
Please contact Jasna Res for questions regarding the Sun Yoga Teacher
Training 905 -469-3309 or info@sunyoga.ca
Chi Kung for Weight Loss Workshop
April 7th, 11:00-5:00 PM
$155, with Irina Benoit
Lose Weight and improve your overall health with the thousand-year-old Chinese Secret Healing
Techniques of Chi Kung:
• Speed up metabolism and burn fat
• Improve blood circulation and revitalize inner organs
• Mind Control Techniques to change your relationship with food
• Release stress and recharge Immune System
Join Irina Benoit, Tai Chi/ Chi Kung Instructor, Russia Gold Medal Champion in Tai Chi and Board Certified
Hypnotist. Exercises are suitable for all ages & fitness levels.
Looking for a Prenatal Yoga Class? Please contact Sun Yoga for the next session.
785 Pacific Road
Unit 15
Oakville, ON
Tel: 905.469.3309
Web site: http://www.sunyoga.ca/