Saturday, June 22, 2013

We’re taking it outside for some GREEN EXERCISE with our babies!!

We’re taking it outside for some GREEN EXERCISE with our babies!!

Summer is just about here and Mommy Bootcamp is taking outdoors! Join the group that moms call a “life saver” to feel stronger, leaner, more energetic, more in touch with your mother side and your sexy side!

According to Psychology Today, outdoor exercise makes people happier, less fatigued and angry, more tranquil and relaxed, and bestows a more lasting energy boost compared to indoor exercise.

Stroller Bootcamp is an outdoor interval training workout that includes both running/walking and body strength exercises with your baby in tow. Expect to work hard, to sweat and get dirty. Moms say they are feeling even healthier and fitter than they did before pregnancy! 

The next session begins Tuesday July 2nd and Thursday July 4th at Coronation Park in Oakville. Go to to register today!
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