Saturday, November 02, 2013

Enza Day Spa in Oakville - November Business Feature on Oakville Moms

Why We Think You Should Visit the Enza Day Spa

When you’re looking for a place to book your next spa day, you’re looking for more than just pretty nail polish. It’s the experience that matters. You want to feel transported, completely removed from the everyday stress you face. At Enza, we specialize in just that – creating a South African Oasis that you can retreat to.

In addition to a host of great services and packages, you can also expect to find a space that has high standards of cleanliness, a stunning aesthetic, and above everything else - a knowledgeable staff.

But knowledge means more than just knowing what products to use on oily skin. Knowledge also comes from life experience, and is the basis of compassion. At Enza, we understand that being able to relax means you’re in a space that is safe. A space that is safe from judgment, or body shame, or guilt, or pressure. We’re good to you – as a person, not as a sale.  
And at Enza, we’re also good to our community.

Community means a lot to us. Not just because we’re all a part of it; but, because we care and want to creative positive ripples all around us. We want to foster a connection between local organizations and our clients, we want to forge and create meaningful connections between people.  We want to inspire you, and encourage ourselves, to always reach to be the best possible version of ourselves that we possibly can.

We’ve paddled a dragonboat for the Halton Women’s Centre, run a fashion show for Autism, provided Djembe drumming therapy for children with disabilities, and donated to support many other local charities. 

We’ve raised awareness, pushed for acceptance, and petitioned for change. Every small positive step makes a difference.

When you visit Enza, you’re entering a beautiful space that will leave you feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.  Best of all, you’re spending time with people who work hard to make a positive difference in the world around them. You’re spending time with people who are not only invested in helping you feel your best; but who are dedicated to their community as well.

So does it matter what kind of a person your therapist is? Does it matter what kind of a business we are? We know that it does.

The Enza Day Spa is located in Oakville, Ontario. Visit the website at  for full price menu and packages. Enza runs weekly deals that are only accessible through their newsletter, sign up today to get in on these great specials! Enza is also active on Facebook and Twitter – sending out positive daily messages to inspire you and make you smile.

Bonus – Mention ‘Oakville Moms’ when making your first appointment and you’ll save 20% off any regularly priced Day Spa Therapy. That means you can enjoy a one hour facial for only $48 or a one hour hot stone massage  for only $68! 
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