Being pregnant and having to commute to Toronto on a daily basis can be challenging at times. Having to carry my laptop among other things can make it tricky too. It's interesting to see how people react to a pregnant woman. Some people make eye contact while others pretend you don't exist. I've had some good and bad experience on the GO, besides from the fact that the train is late half the time, some people have been very
courteous to me when they see me and offer me their seat. While others continue reading or pretend they are sleeping. The other day it got to a point where another commuter made an
announcement that there was a pregnant woman standing and needed a seat (that's me). I told her not to worry but then another woman said you need to sit. No one really jump at that second but it took 30 sec or so for someone to get up, and it was a woman! However, I was pleasantly surprise in the past month by 2 acts of kindness. I had my carry-on and laptop bag and to my surprise the escalator wasn’t working. So here I am getting ready to carry my stuff up when a gentleman came back down from the escalator and carried my carry-on. This actually happened on 2 separate occasions. I was greatly appreciative and the gentlemen were just as happy to do this favour for me. So thank you to all of you who have been considerate when you see a pregnant woman on the GO Train!