- Please join us at our Baby Shower on Saturday, Oct. 9th...from 10 a.m. - 12 noon.
We will be having vendors visit our store, gift baskets to be won and lots of fun activities for the Mom-to-be! Visit us at our Gift Registry on the Upper Level and celebrate "Baby Days" at the same time!! Bring your friends and family members!! - Pre-order your Clinique Gift with Purchase!! This promotion starts Oct. 23rd and if you pre- order before Oct. 22nd with your Sears Card or Sears M/C, you will receive an extra piece with your gift. A great incentive! You only need to purchase $26.50 in Clinique products to receive a gorgeous gift worth $70!! Call today...905-842-9410 ext.280 and ask for Stepanie, Anna or Mary! Don't miss out on this great offer..only at Sears!
- Scratch and Save Weekend.. great savings in our store when you scratch and save!!! All weekend long! Also, we have some great offers on seasonal items that we are almost giving away!! Come in our store and check it out..upper level!!
- Senior's Day on Tues. Oct. 12th at Sears Oakville......check out additonal savings for anyone who is 55 or better!! Free coffee, treats and you have a chance to win a Gift Basket...don't miss out!! Great for all the Grandparents out there who are looking to save on clothes for the grandkids!!
- RENEW HOPE: GOODWILL TRADE-IN: Bring in your gently used jacket or boots from Thurs. Oct. 7th -Fri. 29th to the catalogue dept. (upper level) and receive a $10 off coupon redeemable on your next purchase of $100 or more before taxes on women's, men's, or kids' reg. or sale priced outerwear or boots. All coats and boots brought in will be donated to participating Goodwill locations.

OakvilleMoms.com is an online resource site for moms. We connect moms from Oakville, Burlington, Milton, Mississauga and all over Ontario. Our site is unique as we feature useful resources, services, products, vendor events, contests, articles, product reviews, free membership and so much more! Are you an Oakville Entrepreneur and own a small business? Get listed in our web site and be noticed! Oakville Moms is the trendiest web site in Oakville!