Full name and company name:
Sanyo Lue-Kim, Just Add Heat and Kafene
Why did you start your company?
I enjoy every aspect of food, from shopping to meal planning, cooking/baking, and of course, eating. I knew that owning a restaurant would interfere with my family life, while a food assembly business has much better retail hours. I had a long career in the television industry and was ready for something very different.
What does your company do?
Just Add Heat provides families with “modern” fast food that is wholesome and home cooked. Eating at least one daily meal together with the family is crucial to healthy, happy children. Kafene is a café providing breakfast and lunch, including kids’ school lunches to go.
What’s the best thing about being your own boss?
Being able to push the envelope and offer some really different food selections.
What advice can you give to entrepreneurs that are starting out?
I received this same advice when I started, and it’s so true. You need to spend your time working ON the business, and not IN the business.
How do you manage family life and work?
Another great thing about being my own boss is that I can hire staff to manage the store, allowing me to schedule my time around my family’s needs. I have been extremely fortunate in finding fantastic people to work with.
Where do you see yourself in 10 years time?
Happily running a successful company with the flexibility to enjoy my family life as well. Much like today!