As Earth Day approaches, give some thought to your EcoActions! That's how Simply Green Baby came to be.
We believe going GREEN should be accessible to everyone. That's why we decided to open Simply Green Baby - a retail boutique and online store specializing in products that are healthy for our children and our planet.
Consider your EcoAction
April 22 is Earth Day, and Simply Green Baby encourages you to consider what you can do for our planet. For ideas, visit EcoAction Teams.
In keeping with the EcoAction Teams' mission, we offer natural, healthy, eco-friendly products that contribute to quality of life and protect the well being of our children - at competitive prices.
Save - resources, time & money
Here are just a few ways we help you conserve resources, time and money:
Rewards Program - customers collect points for every dollar spent at our store and redeem them on their next purchase
Free Room Design Services - ideas that match your taste and budget, including furniture that will grow with your child
eGift Certificates - personalized and delivered via email
Gift Registry - to ensure you get what you need and nothing is wasted
In support of our beliefs, we also give 1% of our sales proceeds to charity, with a focus on the environment and the needs of children in our community.
Visit us at our website: http://www.simplygreenbaby.com/
at our retail store: 67 Bronte Road, Unit #4 in the heart of Oakville's Bronte Village (free parking available at the back of the store).
Grand Opening Offer: Save $20 on your purchases over $75 (before taxes).
Contact us
T: 905-582-9687
E: info@simplygreenbaby.com
You can also follow us on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/simplygreenbabystore
We believe going GREEN should be accessible to everyone. That's why we decided to open Simply Green Baby - a retail boutique and online store specializing in products that are healthy for our children and our planet.
Consider your EcoAction
April 22 is Earth Day, and Simply Green Baby encourages you to consider what you can do for our planet. For ideas, visit EcoAction Teams.
In keeping with the EcoAction Teams' mission, we offer natural, healthy, eco-friendly products that contribute to quality of life and protect the well being of our children - at competitive prices.
Save - resources, time & money
Here are just a few ways we help you conserve resources, time and money:
Rewards Program - customers collect points for every dollar spent at our store and redeem them on their next purchase
Free Room Design Services - ideas that match your taste and budget, including furniture that will grow with your child
eGift Certificates - personalized and delivered via email
Gift Registry - to ensure you get what you need and nothing is wasted
In support of our beliefs, we also give 1% of our sales proceeds to charity, with a focus on the environment and the needs of children in our community.
Visit us at our website: http://www.simplygreenbaby.com/
at our retail store: 67 Bronte Road, Unit #4 in the heart of Oakville's Bronte Village (free parking available at the back of the store).
Grand Opening Offer: Save $20 on your purchases over $75 (before taxes).
Contact us
T: 905-582-9687
E: info@simplygreenbaby.com
You can also follow us on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/simplygreenbabystore