We are having Auctions this month on Oakville Moms Facebook page.
Items from our Sponsors will be 30%-50% off. Different items will be posted throughout the month of August. Auctioned items can close at any moment and we will give you one hour's notice prior to closing. Be sure to like our facebook page and place your bid. It's a great way to go shopping for a baby shower, birthday celebration, anniversary and why not shop early for Christmas too!
Join us on Oakville Moms Facebook page:

OakvilleMoms.com is an online resource site for moms. We connect moms from Oakville, Burlington, Milton, Mississauga and all over Ontario. Our site is unique as we feature useful resources, services, products, vendor events, contests, articles, product reviews, free membership and so much more! Are you an Oakville Entrepreneur and own a small business? Get listed in our web site and be noticed! Oakville Moms is the trendiest web site in Oakville!