OakvilleMoms.com is an online resource site for moms. We connect moms from Oakville, Burlington, Milton, Mississauga and all over Ontario. Our site is unique as we feature useful resources, services, products, vendor events, contests, articles, product reviews, free membership and so much more! Are you an Oakville Entrepreneur and own a small business? Get listed in our web site and be noticed! Oakville Moms is the trendiest web site in Oakville!
Sunday, August 21, 2011
At litterlesslunch.ca we have everything needed for a litter free, BPA free lunch. Say goodbye to plastic sandwich bags, and hello to great and easy to use reusable sandwich bags. They are dishwasher safe, made from a European baking fabric that can be used time and time again.
We also have a line of stainless steel containers, as well as fantastic sealable plastic containers, in a variety of colours. All products are BPA free, and are carefully screened to ensure the highest quality.
Also check out our great line of lunchbags, that are fun to use, BPA/Lead Free and great size! The neoprene bags are great for both kids and adults, and neoprene keeps lunches cold, and is washable! We have other more traditional lunch bags in various sizes.
At Litterlesslunch.ca we are a local Oakville company helping Oakville Mom’s with achieving a healthy and litter free lunch. Go on line to see the full line of products, there is free shipping in most of Halton. Ask us about our school fundraisers and home parties. Use the coupon code LITTERONE and receive a 10% discount on your next order.
Web site: http://www.litterlesslunch.ca/
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Litterlesslunchca/167902853227207
Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/LitterLessStore