Suzie Sunshine Moms & Tots Program:
Designed for children from infants to age 3
A great way to introduce the wonderful world of music to your preschoolers: An introductory music program that includes singing, pitch, tonality,rhythm, movement, entry level music history and musical instruments all delivered in a fun filled and engaging manner. A great preparation for future music classes or simply a love for music.
Moms & Tots Schedule
FALL (Oct. 1st-Dec. 3rd)
Winter (Jan. 14th-March 25th)
Spring ( April 15th-June 17th)
Classes: Tuesdays 9:30am, 10:30 am & 1:30pm Saturdays 9:30 am
Divided into three Semesters: Each 10 week programs $190.00 per Semester including supplies.
After School Programs:
September- June 3:30-5:30 Monday to Friday.
Best suited for ages 4-9
Divided into three Semesters, the program includes music history, basic music concepts, singing, movement, improvisation, ukulele and bucket drums.
Designed to offer an enriched after school program that combines childcare and learning with time and space to be creative.
Program includes a healthy snack before instruction begins. Visit to the studio is recommended. Space is limited and is in walking distance from Holy Family, Sheridan Public School and Falgarwood.
10% discount if registered by August 1st. 15% Discount for siblings.
Suzie Sunshine Birthdays
All year long!
Suzie Sunshine Birthday entertainment! Hire Suzie to come to your children's birthday party, and have them laughing, dancing, and singing along. Suzie performs a 45 minute show and offers Suzie Sunshine party bags for all children. Performances for $200.00, gift bags starting at $5 per child.
Suzanne Brown
Twitter: @Suziesunshinee