- Annex Dance:http://www.annexdanceacademy.com/
- Rising Sun Martial Arts:www.risingsunoakville.ca
- Suzie Sunshine:
http://www.suziesunshine.ca/ - STREETdog ARTSTUDiOhttp://www.artstudiostreetdog.com/
- Green Hands Workshop:http://www.greenhandsworkshop.ca/
- Mojo Music:http://www.mojomusic.ca/
- Monkeynastix:http://www.monkeynastix.ca/
- Canadian Dance Company:http://www.canadiandancecompany.com/
- Forest Grove Preschool:http://www.forestgrove.ca
- The Little Gym:www.tlgoakvillecan.com
- Music For Young Children:pam.pender@gmail.com | alisonmoodie@hotmail.com
- The Oakville Learning & Childcare Centre:http://www.edleun.com/oakville
- Velocity Dance + Fitness:www.velocitydance.ca
- Viva Piano Studio:www.vivapiano.ca
- 4Cats Arts Studio-West Oakville:www.4cats.com/westoakville
- The Dance Exchange:
www.thedanceexchange.com - Bricks 4 Kidz:www.bricks4kidz.com/missoak
- Joshua Creek Sports:http://www.joshuacreek.ca
- 4Cats Oakville:www.4cats.com/oakville
- Canlan Ice Sports – Oakville:www.icesports.com/Oakville
- Oakville School of Music & Performing Arts: www.osmpa.ca
- Camp Can-Aqua:www.canaqua.ca
- Mathnasium of Oakville:http://www.mathnasium.com/oakville
- StageCoach Theatre Arts:www.stagecoachschools.ca/oakville
- Zacada Circus:http://www.zacadacircus.com/
- Bronte Harbour Nursery School:www.bronteharbournurseryschool.ca
- Aradia Fitness:www.aradiafitness.com
Plus a few of our sponsors have locations in Milton, Burlington and Mississauga!

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Wednesday, August 07, 2013
Back to School - Fall Registration in Oakville - Featured on Oakville Moms
The only listings you need to refer for Back to School classes: