A balance bike - the perfect gift under the tree for your little one!
Google predicts balance bikes will be one of this year’s top gifts for toddlers this Christmas. Balance bikes allow kids ages 1-5 to ride like a big girl or big boy without the usual bumps and scrapes that come with a traditional bike with training wheels.
With a balance bike your child will learn:
· Balance
· Steering
· Coordination &
· Builds Confidence!
And they are so much fun to ride!
Which to buy? Here are our top choices this Christmas:
· Best First Bike: - STRIDER
· Best Eco-Friendly Bike: - WISHBONE
· Coolest-Looking Bike: - KIDDIMOTO
· Best Canadian-Designed Bike: - RUNNERS and Hobby 2 in 1 Bike
Oakville mom members get $10 off any first bike! Enter code OakvilleMoms10 at checkout.
Buy now for best selection for the holidays at www.balancebikescanada.ca or call 905-271-4544
Local pick-up and demos available at our Mississauga location.

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