- Sears Days Begin Friday, Nov. 19th, 2010 ..please join us at our store and receive the best values of the year!! A great opportunity to start your Holiday shopping now!!
- Moonlight Madness at Sears...Friday Nov. 19th..we will be open until 11:00 p.m. and we will be having timed specials from 6 - 9 p.m. It's going to be a fun evening!!
- Home Improvements....come into our dept. and check out the great offers we have for any of your home installed improvements. Get your renos done before Christmas!
- SANTA IS COMING TO OUR STORE on Sat. Nov. 20th from 1- 3 p.m. He's making an early appearance and handing out candy canes!!!
- Demos in Housewares...... come in for a specialty coffee...and check out our beautiful coffee make by Dolce Gusto!
- Breadmaking in Housewares..... come in and check out our breadmakers and taste some freshly baked bread...and smell the fresh baked aroma!!!
- Customer Appreciation Weekend in Major Appliances and Beds and Vacs ...starts Friday, Nov.19th.......great offers that you will not want to miss!! Bring your Business cards to Sears Major Appliances and you can win a gift card!!
- Upcoming Events
Beauty Bash...Cosmetic and Fragrance Gala Tues. Dec. 9th,2010.. ..Join us for an evening filled with exclusive offers, prizes and so much more...Invite your family and friends to this great event. Tickets are only $10..$2 from every ticket sold will benefit the Look Good, Feel Better Foundation and the remainder $8 is redeemable that evening towards your cosmetic or fragrance purchase.

OakvilleMoms.com is an online resource site for moms. We connect moms from Oakville, Burlington, Milton, Mississauga and all over Ontario. Our site is unique as we feature useful resources, services, products, vendor events, contests, articles, product reviews, free membership and so much more! Are you an Oakville Entrepreneur and own a small business? Get listed in our web site and be noticed! Oakville Moms is the trendiest web site in Oakville!
Friday, November 19, 2010
Here's what's happening at Sears Oakville this weekend..Friday Nov. 19th - Sun. Nov.21st, 2010
Here's what's happening at Sears Oakville this weekend..Friday Nov. 19th - Sun. Nov.21st, 2010
Sears Oakville events